Students at Victory College experience spiritual growth through chapels every week. Through student-led worship, spirit-empowered messages, and community, students are refreshed and challenged to fulfill the call on their life.
Small Groups
Every week students are encouraged to attend Victory Groups provided through the ministry of Victory Church. Victory College students are able to attend Victory Groups led by Victory College faculty, staff and second year peers. Victory Groups provide a safe place for students to process what they are learning in the classroom, while developing strong relationships in community.
Local Church
Students are expected to serve on a Dream Team every week at a Victory campus (Victory Tulsa, Victory Downtown, Victory Mannford). Upon completion of the Victory Growth Track, students will be able to decide which team they want to serve on.
Conferences and Events
Victory College students are blessed with the opportunity to attend and serve at Victory Church conferences and events! Conferences add another level of learning to your student experience. Throughout the year, our students help execute events for staff, guests, and volunteers.
Here are some of the Conferences and Events that our students get to be apart of:
Christmas Production
Easter Production
Victory Conference
Victory Missions
Encounter Ladies Events
Campus Plants
Young Adult Events
Student Ministry Events and more!